Dear Friends,
The Hebrew month of Elul
begins this Wednesday, August 7. Once again, as we enter into this sacred
season, we can begin the process of cheshbon
hanefesh, taking a spiritual inventory of our souls. Our
tradition teaches that in the last month before Rosh Hashanah, in preparation
for the Yamim Noraim--the
High Holy Days--we are supposed to focus on the year that has passed. We
ask ourselves: How have our actions reflected our values? Have we done all
that we could to live up to our highest expectations? How could we have done
things differently if given the chance?
None of us can state that we
are perfect. We all fall short. We all disappoint ourselves and
those around us, even if we like to pretend that we don't. The High Holy
Days are a time when we both acknowledge the fact that we make mistakes, and
give thanks for the ability to begin anew.
The word, teshuvah is usually
translated as "repentance" but it literally means
"turning." Our task during this sacred month is to turn: first
inward and then outward. We look at our successes, shortcomings, and
failures so that we might be able to grow, improve, make amends and do all
that we can to repair relationships and build bridges.
As many of you know, it has
become my custom to write four meditations during the month of Elul to help
us to travel together along the path of cheshbon
hanefesh during this sacred time. Each week, I will pose seven
questions (one for each day of the week) that revolve around a particular
area of our lives. Each meditation will have a different focus:
Spiritual, Physical, Interpersonal and Communal. I have found that the
process of writing has become an important part of my own personal Elul
preparation. Others have shared with me that they are important to them as
well. The purpose of these questions is not to make us feel bad or unworthy,
but rather to "nudge" us into looking at these vitally important
aspects of our lives.
This year, I will also be
giving special focus to Shabbat observance. This is part of the year-long
Shabbat Initiative that began just after Passover this past spring. Our
goal is to provide a series of programs, classes, and other opportunities
that will help our congregation engage in a sacred conversation about integrating
the gift of Shabbat into our lives.
I welcome your comments and
suggestions for additional questions and formats that we can use. If
answering them causes you to want to speak to one of the Temple clergy, Rabbi Immerman, Cantor Heit, Cantor Sacks and I
would welcome the opportunity. Note that all of these materials will be
available in several formats: electronically via email, on our Temple website and Facebook page, in my blog, and in hard copy at the Temple office. If you
know of anyone else who might want to receive these mailings, whether or not
they are members of the congregation, please contact Susie Sigman. She
will be happy to forward them.
May this time of chesbon hanefesh be fruitful for all of us as we prepare to enter into the holiest days of the year.
Weeks of Elul, 5773
One: Our Spiritual Selves
The world in which we live is
filled with facts. At any time of any day, at almost any place, we can
find unlimited information simply by pressing a button on a cell
phone. They say that knowledge is power, but I sometimes feel that being
"plugged in 24-7" comes with a cost. We can deceive ourselves
when we think that our ability to access data somehow is an end in and of
A key component of spiritual
living is an awareness that life is not only about what we know and possess,
but also how and why we live our lives in harmony with the world around
us. Spirituality is a word that is hard to define. One way to look
at it is in the way that we allow ourselves to let go of our need to control
things and give into the fact that there are aspects of Creation that are
beyond our ability to comprehend. The great theologian Abraham Joshua
Heschel wrote that Shabbat is a time when we stop trying to create, and focus
on the fact that we are created. Shabbat observance becomes an integral
part of our process of letting go of the "ordinary-ness" of daily
life and opening ourselves to the potential for holiness that surrounds us.
The following questions are
designed to help us to see the spirituality that infuses every fiber of our
1. How often in my daily
routine do I take the time to put away my cell phone, computer and other
electronic devices and "unplug?"
2. When was the last time
that I felt a true Shabbat experience?
3. Have I taken the time to
fully appreciate the beauty of God's creation that surrounds me?
4. What are the most
important gifts that God has given me?
5. How has my perception of
God changed over the years?
6. If I were to be told the
exact day of my impending death, what would I do differently today?
7. When was the last time I
was able to pray without distraction?
As always, these questions
should not be perceived as a complete listing; they are merely a beginning.
Some are repeated from previous years, others are new. If you have other
questions that you think may help others in our community, please send them
to me. Also, if you wish to share with me how these questions impact
your own Elul preparations, I would love to hear from you.
May you utilize these and all
of your questions to help you gain a better understanding of your spiritual
L'Shanah Tovah,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
4 Weeks of Elul 5773- Week 1: Our Spiritual Selves
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