Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A Prayer for Tolerance. Invocation at the CO House Of Representatives February 20, 2025

Our God and God of all people:

There are times when we look at your world and see the delicate balance that you have bequeathed to us.  Sunlight, seed and moisture come together to feed, soothe, heal and inspire.

Bones, sinews, and tissue are infused with the gift of life and understanding.

Seasons change.

Time passes.

And we who have been granted the ability to discern stand in awe of it all.

And yet – all is not perfect in your world, O God - all is not serene.  Beneath the surface-beauty that inspires is the reality of constant struggle.

Your creatures fight to survive. This is the way of nature.

Scarce resources are claimed by the strong, the swift, and the fortunate.  Those who can take will live to see another tomorrow.  Those too weak are quickly extinguished.

But we humans claim to have conquered our savage selves.  Our laws and systems of governance and justice are designed to help us rise above our passions. We say we are Your partners.  And yet we still have not found a way to govern without conflict. As this legislative session progresses; as late nights and early mornings give way to frayed tempers and intolerance, we pray that any debate that takes place be devoid of personal prejudice or political patronage.  May the differences that divide these representatives serve the good of all our citizens.  Help them to remember that humanity is created in the Divine image – as such, everyone is worthy of respect.

Grant us tolerance, O God – even for those whose core beliefs are different from their own.  May empathy guide all deliberation.  Help these elected officials to not only to hear one another, but to truly listen and see that their task is dialogue, not diatribe.  Let all see that they are allies, not adversaries.  May we remember that the differences that separate us are an essential aspect of our humanity – and our ability to grow is our strength.




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