Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Finding God Amidst Our Doubts: Opening Prayer for the CO State House. 2-27-25


Our God who dwells on High.

Our God who walks in the street.

Our God whose voice rolls down like thunder.

Our God whom we find in the silent questions that plague us in the middle of the night.

Our God who punishes and chastens the evildoer.

Our God who finds mercy for the sinner.

On this day of deliberation – help these legislators find You – not in the absolute or categorical imperatives that draw lines in the ideological sands of partisanship; but rather let them see you in their doubts, in their questions, in their struggles to fulfill the needs of our community.  Help them to move one another and to be moved.  Open their hearts to the possible and the improbable.  Help them to find the human and the divine in their colleagues, their constituents and in themselves.

Help us all to stay balanced, O God.

Help us to find humor and banish hubris.

Give us – all of us - this day – a moment of tranquility and transcendence so that we might rise above our ordinariness and glimpse the glory of Your greatness.

 Let us see it in ourselves.  Let us see it in these deliberations.  Let us see it in one another.

Then, and only then, will we merit the gifts You have bestowed upon us.

May this day bring change.

May this day bring hope.

May this day bring love.


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