Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Letter to Bishop Mariann Budde of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC

The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde
Bishop of Washington
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, D.C. 20016-5094

January 23, 2025

Dear Bishop Budde,

After hearing your words about the importance of mercy addressed to President Trump at the service at the National Cathedral this past Tuesday, I was deeply moved. While I am not a Christian, I am a rabbi who understands the vital role of clergy to uphold and preach the values, tenets, and traditions of our faith communities. When words of moral courage are deliberately misrepresented as partisan propaganda in order to silence, shame or threaten those who speak them, our society moves ever closer to authoritarianism.

The anger, personal attacks, and threats that you have received in the aftermath of your courageous sermon are reprehensible. When the pulpit becomes a target, we are all in danger. Please know that I, and countless of my colleagues, congregants, and people of faith from every religious tradition applaud your courage, character, and compassion.

With grateful appreciation and admiration, I am….


Rabbi Joseph R. Black.
Sr. Rabbi - Temple Emanuel
51 Grape St.
Denver, CO 80220


  1. Her comments were a disgrace to Christian ministry.

    1. Hmmmm… I’m not a Christian, but it seems to me that Jesus preached a lot about mercy and caring for those who have no power…l “Blessed are the meek…”

  2. You are the disgrace. I'm no Christian but still understand that Jesus preached tolerance and humility, virtues that you obviously don't understand or possess.
