Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Shadow of the Blood Moon Eclipse: Opening Prayer for the Colorado State House - May 27, 2021


Our God and God of all people:

God of the winners, and God of the Losers

God of the free and God of the Captives

God of the blind and God of the visionaries

God of those who have no God

Yesterday – those who were able to rise early enough, and whose vision was not obstructed by clouds were treated to a rare sight: A super blood moon eclipse.  This occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth and directly in the path of the sun. It is called a “super Moon” because its proximity to the earth that it gives the illusion of being extra-large, and a blood moon because of the orange/reddish color it takes on during the eclipse itself.

An eclipse is only visible when everything lines up perfectly. The moon must be in the path of the sun – relative to where we see it here on earth. In other words, it only impacts us when we see it (and it is truly remarkable) but, in truth, were we in another part of the globe that was not in the path of the moon’s shadow, it would little or any import or impact on our lives. We might see pictures or read about it, but unless we witnessed it with our own eyes, it would have been little more than an interesting tidbit of astronomical trivia.

There are times when we are so engrossed in daily living that we cannot imagine how anyone else in the world could possibly not share in our passions and frustrations.

Here in this chamber, there are moments when debate becomes so intense and all engrossing that everything else seems to pale in comparison. The competing pressures, principles, and priorities that are the stuff of late-night deliberation and debate seem to engulf everything else in our lives.

And yet, this session will end in just a few weeks. The work of this body will be completed or put off until next year and the passions of the now will give way to the promise of tomorrow.

God – help us all to keep a sense of perspective. Help us all to understand that, like the shadow of the moon that covers but a small fragment of the earth, the issues that compel us to lose sleep are but a small piece of the crucible of Your Creation.

The dysfunction and disagreements that inevitably arise during the course of a legislative session are often intense and arduous. But let us understand that, ultimately, every elected official in this sacred chamber is here because they believe in the process of governing – every advisor, aide, clerk, administrator, officer, and maintenance person who makes up the complicated quilt of this community is privileged to serve do so for the sake of our great State of Colorado.

May any dissention or disagreements that arise in this space, pass over like the moon’s shadow and may we see Your presence in the work that is completed – that is desperately needed – at this time.

We who marvel at the wonders of creation must learn to appreciate both the beauty and the bounty of the gifts we have received.  For these we give thanks.

And let us say, AMEN



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