Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Remarks at the Freedom To Marry Faith Leaders Pres Conference – 9/10/2024

 While the State of Colorado is currently a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQ+ individuals, this was not always the case. Currently, an amendment in the Colorado constitution defines marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman. If the U.S. Supreme Court was to roll back rights for gay and lesbian couples, marriage for same-sex couples would no longer be protected in Colorado. I participated this morning in a press briefing in support of "Amendment J" in the upcoming elections that would eliminate this hateful wording

Statement by Rabbi Joseph R. Black –

Sr. Rabbi – Temple Emanuel, Denver, CO

Freedom To Marry Faith Leaders Pres Conference – 9/10/2024


I am here this morning because I am passionate about a central tenet of my faith: the idea that all humanity is equal in God’s Creation.  One of the most important verses in the Bible – if not THE most important verse is Genesis 1:27, where we are taught that all of Humanity is created in the image of God. As such, we need to celebrate and protect every person’s right to personal freedom and human dignity. Who we love, how we love and the sacred commitments we make with others are areas that Government should regulate – unless the choices that individuals make impinge upon the rights of others.  Our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters are created in the image of God. Full stop. They do not choose who they are – it is part of the divine spark that is implanted within them by a beneficent Creator. Instead of persecuting members of the LGBTQ+ community, we should be celebrating their uniqueness. If, indeed, we are all created in God’s image, then laws which exclude and discriminate against one’s ability to express and sanctify their love and relationships violate basic principles of fairness and equality that are central to the values of our nation, my tradition- and that of everyone else on this call. As a Jew, history has taught me that laws that discriminate against any minority population can, and often do, lead to disastrous consequences.  Thank you

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