Friday, March 13, 2020

A Jewish Values Matrix for Dealing With a Time of Illness and Stress

Dear Friends.

Over the past several days we have been spending a great deal of time and energy formulating a plan to deal with the myriad of possible situations and decisions that will inevitably arise as we confront the advent of Covid-19 in our community. As we struggle to consider all our options in this ever changing environment, we are striving to make decisions utilizing a values-based matrix around which we can act in a consistent manner that is in line with Jewish tradition and modern sensibility. We want to provide you with a matrix of these values to help all of us understand why and how we have come to the difficult decisions that face us.
  1.  Pikuach Nefesh – saving a life.  This is the most important Jewish value. Our sacred texts teach that we can forgo almost any commandment or prohibition in order to preserve life.  In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, our top priority must be the health and safety of all. If we are forced to close our building, cancel or radically reshape a program, service or class, we are doing so in order to ensure that everyone’s safety is paramount.
  2. Al Tifrosh Min Ha Tzibbur – “do not separate oneself from the community.”(Mishnah, Avot 2:5) “Social Distancing”, cancelling programs, services, educational and social events can easily have the effect of isolating many of us from one another. As such, we are looking for as many ways as possible to ensure that that we stay in touch. Utilizing internet streaming, email, our website and Facebook are just a few of the ways that we are striving to remain connected to our community. We also are dealing with the fact that some of this technology is imperfect. We have a learning curve ahead of us, but we are determined to do everything we can to enable meaningful connections.
  3. Lo Ta’aShok Sachir“Treat workers Fairly” (Deuteronomy 24:14) Cancelling programs or classes has a ripple effect – not only on program participants, but also on those who are contracted to conduct them. Temple Emanuel is a large institution. We employ many teachers, custodians, caterers, musicians, and clerical staff who depend on us for their livelihood. We are committed to doing all that we can to ensure that programmatic interruptions will have minimal impacts on our employees’ abilities to care for themselves and their loved ones. In addition, if we cancel an event, we need to be conscious of the impact that the cancellation will have on those who are counting on getting paid for their services. If at all possible, think of ways to help our partners in the community.
  4.  Simcha“Rejoicing.” Even in times of difficulty, it is important that we look for ways to celebrate Jewish life. This can be difficult when life-cycle events are cancelled or postponed due to health concerns. We are determined to do all that we can – within the constraints of the reality of our situation – to help everyone achieve this.
  5. Nechama – ”comforting the afflicted.” Pastoral care is central to our mission at Temple Emanuel. When personal contact is limited, this can be difficult. We will continue to strive to be present for all who are in need in any way that we can.
  6. Tzimtzum “narrowing down/contraction.”  In Jewish mystical tradition, prior to creation, God went through a process of contraction and self-examination in order to make room for the world. Since God was every-“where” and every-“thing”, there was no space for anything else. Hence the need to pull away. Similarly, there are times when we need to contract our emotional, physical and spiritual needs in order to make room for others.  In particular, we need to be sensitive to those members of our community who may be most affected by the virus – the most vulnerable among us. We have seen multiple responses to this situation in recent days – some of these bring out the worst and some bring out the best in us. Activities like hoarding supplies, looking for others to blame, scapegoating and spreading unfounded rumors are not helpful and, indeed destructive. On the other hand, we have also seen people coming together, looking for ways to help and self-sacrifice in order to ensure that the most affected are protected are perfect examples of how we can make room for others in our midst.
  7. Dugma Ishit - “role modeling”. The lay and professional leadership of our community must lead by example. As such, we will make every effort to demonstrate healthy behavior and choices. We will not gather in groups or at the synagogue when asked by our elected officials to refrain from doing so. We will lead services, congregational events and functions from separate locations through use of technology until it is been determined that it is safe to come together again. No member of the lay or professional leadership will ever put pressure of any kind on anyone else to engage in actions that could possibly place them in harm’s way. 
This is a difficult time for all of us.  The uncertainty and unease that we are feeling are normal for a situation that is anything BUT normal.  We are in uncharted territory. May we work together as a Kehillah Kedosha – a sacred community – to emerge strengthened and resolute. May our values serve as anchors in a sea of uncertainty.

And……Wash your hands!

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